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Perc Test

What is a Percolation Test?

WetSeacon Perc Testing

The percolation test is designed to determine the soil suitability of a site for a subsurface private sewage disposal system (i.e. septic system). More specifically, a percolation test measures the ability of the soil to absorb liquid. Septic system designers use the results of percolation tests to properly construct septic systems. The uniform slowest rate of drop of the water level over a measured time interval is converted to minutes per inch and used as a basis of design in determining the septic system size.

Soil conditions are one of the criteria used for determining the suitability of a site for construction. Critical area designations, slopes, zoning restrictions and other conditions are also factored into the approval process for a construction permit.

Fees for service:

Please refer to the top of the page under the heading "Well & Septic".
> Environmental Health Fee Schedule

If you have any questions please call Environmental Health at 410-535-3922.

If you have any questions about testing you may email Matthew Cumers at

If you have questions about applications or refunds you may email Carrie Antonetti at  


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© Calvert County Health Department